CrabDiving – Mon 080816 – Florida Zika Virus & Trump NAMBLA Connection?

florida zika virus

The Florida Zika Virus is thriving because our do-nothing Congress it too busying “porking” the system. Has Donald Trump donated to NAMBLA? A bunch GOP foreign policy head-honchos pen a useless open-letter to the orange-a-hole-face. Conservative siren Andrea Tantaros says Roger…


The Hollywood Hick – Sat 052116 – Naomi Judd Didn’t Call Grits Slave Food & Kanye Is Like Trump

naomi judd grits drama

Check out this episode of The Hollywood Hick!  A Hick is freaking hung over because he partied with the dudes from the CrabDiving Podcast. Entertainment headlines are reviewed along with a spirited update on the latest repairs to “Stangly” a.k.a., “The Hick Mobile.”…


CrabDiving – Fri 080516 – Pence Denies Science & Missouri GOP Gun Nut Candidate

Mike Pence denies science

Trump’s historically crappy past fortnight of campaigning hasn’t been appreciated fully. Sky-Net reports from The Olympics. In true GOP exclusionary fashion, the Trump campaign refuses a meeting with the Log Cabin Republicans. The running mate of the orange a-hole face,…


The Daily Upper Decker – Wed 080316 – Draymond Green Snapchats & Megan Kalmoe Rows

Draymond Green

Comedians Brady Matthews and Adam Feuerberg once again join host Tommy Gimler, and the boys discuss Draymond Green throwing his yogurt slinger up on the World Wide, the shitdickery of Jonathan Lucroy at the MLB Trade Deadline, Michael Young’s fear…
