CrabDiving – Fri 101615 – Rand Paul Whines & Pat Robertson Thanksgiving Suckee-Suckee

Rand Paul

On this #TGIF episode of CrabDiving, Pat and Ryan cover Rand Paul whining and crapping all over Bernie Sanders and socialism.  The FBI ain’t satisfied that nothing untoward happened with Hillary’s emails.  Wayne Simmons is a liar, similar to the other big…


Democracy How? E006 Occupy: Brent Schmidt

occupy wall street protest

On this “Occupy” episode of the pro-revolution, power-to-the-people podcast, “Democracy How?”, commie comic, Shawn Donovan continues his discussion with comedian and Occupy Wall Street activist, Brent Schmidt (@IAmBrentSchmidt on Twitter) about America.  They talk about Occupy’s ‘government’ structure.  The guys also discuss…
