The Daily Upper Decker – Thu 091715 – New York Giants Dipshitery & Charles Haley’s Long Schlong

Enjoy another episode of the hilarious Daily Upper Decker podcast.  Tommy’s riding solo behind a locked hotel room door because that’s how you make it out of Houston alive.  He’s got his take on the Giants’ dipshitery, the Rams/Seahawks game, the…


CrabDiving – Fri 091815 – Obama’s Gay Army Secretary & Trump’s Xenophobic Crowd

Eric Fanning first openly gay army secretary

CrabDiving brings stories of Obama’s gay army secretary, as well as the news and headlines.  An apocalyptic iridescent cloud signals “end times” for RWNJ lunatics.  Trump says all the wrong things when dealing with a xenophobic idiot that says Obama is a Muslim.…
