CrabDiving – Wed 090215 – STDs Spike & Kentucky Clerk Married Four Freaking Times

STDs spike

Pat and Ryan welcome long-time buddy, Mari M. into the studio as STDs spike in New York due to the closings of free clinics.  Jeb Bush fights Trump with a little español.  Homophobic, hateful Kentucky clerk has been married four freaking times.  Glenn Beck…


The CannaLinguists – E036 – Georgia, Ohio, Wisconsin Legalization & Alchemy

Enjoy this episode of the CannaLinguists on the CrabDiving Network!  Weed know-it-alls and experts, Alex Mandelberg and April O’Connor re-hash the latest in marijuana news.  They chat about Wisconsin Legalization as the Cheesehead state puts ganja on table.  The great states…


CrabDiving – Mon 083115 – Alabama Secession Rally & Mount McKinley Loses Slave Name

alabama secession rally

On Monday, Pat and Ryan cover the Alabama secession rally chockablock full of racist, dim-witted morons.  The Crabs also pinch-off usual nutjob stories.  Mount McKinley is losing its slave name and RWNJs are going ape-shit, especially one ninny in Ohio.  Obama…
