CrabDiving – Tue 081815 – Homosexual Manifesto & Black People Are Magic

Steven Hotze v The Homosexual Manifesto

The Crabs marvel at the hilarious, and fake homosexual manifesto taken seriously by a lunatic.  They also cover the following stories.   Scott Walker has resting moron-face and is coming for your healthcare.  Hillary kept her server in the crapper #Benghazi.  Duggar…


The Daily Upper Decker – Wed 081215 – Ass-Man Tiger Woods Opens Restaurant, Aldon Smith Turd Life & NFL Arrests

This episode of The Daily Upper Decker Podcast is basically one large, yummy edition of “The Pile,” as T Sean Johnson, Andy Ostroff and Tommy Gimler break down Geno Smith’s broken jaw is a good thing for the Jets, Aldon…


CrabDiving – Mon 081715 – Michigan Tea Party Sex Scandal & Glenn Beck Wants You To Avoid Cool Cities

Michigan Tea Party Sex Scandal

Pat and Ryan cover the insane Michigan Tea Party sex scandal as well as the loony headlines.  Donald Trump is pretty unenlightened regarding immigration but he’s not the worst, I guess. Somebody at Faux News thinks something the Donald composed is…


CrabDiving – Thu 081315 – Kentucky Bigot Clerk, Trump Attacks Iowa & Crazy Shark Video

Kentucky Bigot Clerk Kim Davis

Pat and Ryan cover the Kentucky bigot clerk story, as well as the following:  Donald Trump attacks Iowa!  Alert Google Maps, Sesame Street is moving its coordinates. Dickish Kentucky clerk won’t marry same-sex couples.  Dalton Maldonado kept out of yearbook…
