The Daily Upper Decker – Wed 080515 – Sand In C.J. Wilson’s Vag & Vin Baker Starbucks Career

Vin Baker Starbucks

Tommy is alone in Cleveland, just like everybody else in this town because overdosing on heroin seems to be the trendy things these days. The Czar of the Daily Upper Decker blog and podcast goes over the Major League Baseball trade deadline…


CrabDiving – Wed 080515 – Jade Helm Nutjobs & Obama’s Spirit Animal Is Not M.A.N.T.I.S.

jade helm nutjobs

The Crabs take a close look the idiot Jade Helm nutjobs, plus the usual amazing headlines.  Debris from one of those planes that disappeared in Malaysia has been discovered. The adorned ding-a-ling of Lenny Kravitz pops out for some air.  Marijuana is…
