The Hollywood Hick – Wed 072215 – Gawker Drama & My Faye Dunaway Encounter

gawker drama

There’s Gawker drama.  There’s Pat Robertson assholery.  There’s lots more!  Catch up on your showbiz news and gossip with comedian Brent Parris, aka The Hollywood Hick in this side-splittin’ episode, Mothertruckers! I love me some Gawker website, but they done…


The Daily Upper Decker – Wed 072215 – Tiger Woods Trolled By AARP & Carmelo Anthony Is A Turd

Andy, T Sean and Tommy recap the 144th Open Championship, professional golfer and consummate poon-hound Tiger Woods trolled by the AARP.  NBA baller Carmelo Anthony is the biggest turd in the wide world of basketball.  The farce that is Wisconsin’s…
