CrabDiving – Fri 072415 – Snakes Invasion & Sir Dumbalot Guards Recruiting Office

medieval militia man

Friday’s episode of the Crabs includes stories of snakes invasion and the usual RWNJ lunacy.  Lots of asshat topics are covered.  A Wisconsinite mistakes a dog for a lion and opens fire.  A house is blighted with serpents of the poisonous variety.  We…


CrabDiving – Thu 072315 – Militia Misfire & Trump Does A Yosemite Sam At The Border

militia misfire

On this episode, the Crabs cover a militia misfire and several right wing assbag stories.  Trump, poster child for everything a-hole-ish, travels to the border to pontificate about Mexicans, walls and how he’s the best.  A moronic and probably tubby militia dude squeezes…


The CannaLinguists – E030 – Marijuana Mends Bones? & The Girlfriend Of Alex Speaks!

The CannaLinguists triumphantly return after a break! April O’Connor, weed expert and marijuana industry professional, reports back from her trip to Boston, which included many stoned adventures and stand-up comedy.  Alex Mandelberg, weed advocate, stand-up comic and co-host of the show…
