The Daily Upper Decker – Wed 071515 – McNabb Has More DUI’s Than NFC Wins & Philly Fails At Every Sport

donovan mcnabb

Tommy is in Philadelphia because he needed a week where he could look outside and say, “Damn. It could be worse.”  And speaking of Philadelphia, it has to be the shittiest sports city in America right now.  Also, NFL players…


CrabDiving – Fri 071715 – Planned Parenthood Hoax & Pooping Iceland Tourists

Planned Parenthood hoax

Another Faithless Friday!  Pat and Ryan cover the Planned Parenthood hoax as well as the usual tales of political shenanigans and right wing nutjobbery.  Much to the chagrin of the Crabs, Obama supplies Egypt with some super scary spyware.  Gawker thinks if…
