CrabDiving – Wed 011415 – Gun Cave Of Racism, Kilmeade Cool With Xenophobia, Cut The Cheese I Cut Your Face

Texas State Rep Cecil Bell Jr anti gay marriage bill

The Crabs rage about the following stories: according to dullard Allen West, the President must decide between Islamic terrorists or freedom; Fox “News” host, Brian Kilmeade isn’t at all bothered by a little xenophobia; The Gun Cave in Arkansas refuses to…


The Hollywood Hick – Sat 011015 – Cosby Gross & Heckled, Meryl Streep Stuck Up, Suck It Terrorists!

Guess who’s still gross… and getting heckled… Cosby! The following is also covered: The Hick is broke the fuck up with Claire Huxtable’s pretentious ass; Meryl Streep got a pretentious streak; current country music all sounds the same; Mob Wives update. And The Hollywood Hick…
