On Thursday’s CrabNation, Pat and Ryan interview British actor Jason Wong from the recently released movie Jarhead 2 and we learn about the acting biz in England, wrestling under the influence of tequila and babes in Bulgaria. We also cover…
CrabNation covers the following on hump day: Pat Robertson has some loony opinions about medicine; Texas Czar, Rick Perry indicted for 2 felonies #ButI’mWhite; Luis Suarez is being given a fourth chance at not biting while playing soccer #ballgag; a…
If you’ve downloaded or caught an episode in real time of our live internet streaming radio show, CrabNation, you’ve absolutely heard the Crabs reference Rocket News 24. Rocket’s motto is “Bringing you yesterday’s news from Japan and Asia, today,” which…
Tuesday’s CrabNation delivers these stories: the rioting continues in Ferguson; Pat Robertson thinks Michael Brown was mos def high when he was gunned down in cold blood; lunatic, white-trash open carry freaks opt not to march armed into a black…
It looks like one of the major retweets on the right-wing today may not have been sourced very well. St. Louis Dispatch reporter Christine Byers tweeted out the following Monday night: Of course, it was retweeted a couple thousand…