On Monday, the Crabs pinch off the following stories: Alaska News Reporter Charlo Greene quits in a puff of smoke #legalize; RWNJ Bryan Fischer reminds us that God won’t let the Earth be destroyed by H2O again #beentheredonethat; Pat Robertson…
CrabNation Friday brings all the loony headlines from Murica, including the following: Megyn Kelly, Fox-bot that constantly reminds her old, Caucasian viewers that Jesus and Santa are indeed lily-white, is as popular as ever #scary; a student editor of a…
On Thursday, the Crabs check in with Tommy Gimler of the Daily Upper Decker for a run down of the latest atrocities and shenanigans from the wide world of football. We also cover the following headlines: Wisconsin thinks a fee…
On this episode, the Crabs are joined by comedian Brent Parris to discuss drive through funerals, the Joan Rivers selfie and the following: a funeral home is allowing you to pay your respects to the deceased from the comforts of…
The Crabs cover the following on Tuesday’s episode: child-beating super-human bully Adrian Peterson is suspended from the NFL; Ebola is still trending in Africa; Kanye chastises a wheelchair-bound fan to stand during a concert #dickmove; the Voice Of CrabNation rings…