Tag: assholes

The Hollywood Hick – Fri 022715 – O’Reilly Full Of It, Fashion Police Drama, Blind Gossip

The Hollywood Hick on CrabDiving Radio

This time The Hick covers the following: Bill O’Reilly is straight up full of shit; Lindsay done went and got community service hours DENIED; Fashion Police made up drama is STILL GOING; no one knows why Kelly Clarkson hates the Hick. Plus, a cautionary…


CrabDiving – Tue 021715 – Gettin’ Nuc-Yuh-Lar With ISIS, Okla-Coma Bible Bangers, Scott Walker Can’t Prove He Talks To Jebus

On Tuesday, the Crabs sink their pincers into sky-gods of many different varieties. Plus, the following is covered: a-hole Arkansas senator wants to nuke ISIS cuz he’s a simpleton; ISIS to storm the boot; Okla-coma educators are passing out Bibles…


The Daily Upper Decker – E014 Wed 021115 – Tiger Woods Fail, Syracuse Convenient Sanctions, Chipper Jones Sandy Hook Truther

The Daily Upper Decker guys chat it up about the following: Syracuse’s convenient self-imposed sanctions; Chipper Jones is a Sandy Hook truth-er; if Tiger Woods will ever win another major; the rules for a grown man wearing another grown man’s jersey.…
