Tag: Christian Taliban

CrabDiving – Mon 051815 – Lindsey Graham Running, Jeb Backs Bigots

Lindsey Graham running for President

On Monday, the Crabs highlight the usual RWNJ lunacy which includes these stories: Lindsey Graham, running for President, makes a slow, graceful entrance into the 2016 Republican clown-car.  Glenn Beck trolls doomsday preppers. Chuck Norris explains how O-bummer litr’ally constructed an apocalypse.  Jeb Bush thinks…


CrabDiving – Mon 042715 – Pat Robertson Wisdom, ScroGuard & Latex Shirts, Ashes To Dildo

Pat Robertson it's ok if husband was accidentally gay once

On Monday’s CrabDiving podcast, Pat and Ryan welcome comedian and host of The Hollywood Hick show into the studios and they discuss the following stories: a Christ-a-ban jerk-off preacher says horrible things about victims of the earthquake in Nepal; Pat Robertson…


CrabDiving – Thu 042315 – Beck Crosses Reefer Rubicon, Jesus-Themed Sexy-Time w/Priest, Murica Be Executing Like A Mofo

gay priest

Pat and Ryan learn how Bryan Fischer believes the Bible will be turned in Mein Kampf, plus these hot headlines: Glenn Beck crosses the Rubicon and bestows his blessing upon the legalization of weed; family members reunited via Tinder; Students…


CrabDiving – Wed 042315 – Christian Flag Creepy, Pharmacist Won’t Do Her Job Cuz Jesus, Huckabee Hard For Guns

On hump day, the crabs sink their pincers into the following stories: the new Muppets won’t be for kids; Pope Francis tangles with Murican Christo-ban ninnies; Faux News host like totally sucks; Walmart pharmacist in Taliban-esque Georgia refuses to dispense…


CrabDiving – Fri 041715 – Feminist Won’t Be Photoshopped, Anti-Abstinent Tweeting, Suzanne Somers Vibrates

ohio school girl feminist shirt

#FaithlessFriday on CrabDiving brings these stories: a bunch of Christ-a-ban loons teaching abstinence-only sex education cold-busted on Twitter; Suzanne Somers tightens more than your thighs; Pat Robertson lays out the perfect child-beating fantasy; nobody told the Archbishop sex with kids…


CrabDiving – Thu 032615 – Cruz Ain’t Galileo, Willie Nelson Weed, Takei Gives Pence A Tongue Lashing

George Takei boycotts Indiana

On Thursday, the Crabs deliver the following headlines: no one seems to be tolerating Indiana’s intolerance; a foreskin intactivist launches a “prick-starter” campaign skin to end schlong snipping; Willie Nelson will not be the Walmart of weed; Keith Olbermann gets medieval…
