Tag: funny news

The Hollywood Hick – Tue 122314 – Joe Cocker Ups & Dies, My Husband’s Not Gay, Mob Wives Recap

The Hick covers the following: The great Joe Cocker ups and dies; if you’re famous, don’t get busted in China; the new TLC show, “My Husband’s Not Gay” is hysterical; Mob Wives recap. Plus, some other crap the Hick can’t remember…


CrabDiving – Wed 122414 – First Name Agnes Last Name Jenner, New York No-No’s Fracking, Dude Where’s My Ebola?

sexy ebola - CrabDiving

This Wednesday the Crabs cover these stories: Bruce Jenner to be “Agnes”; pastor drops dead singing “Happy”; Indiana lawmaker wants a “protect the manger law”: New York says “eat me” to fracking; Rand Paul busts out his grievances against fellow politicians…
