Tag: funny news

CrabNation Thurs 071014 – RWNJ Tribute; Fracking; Gohmert Proves the Existence Of God; Sarah Palin Should Stop Talking

On this episode, the Crabs pile into the RWNJ clown car with the ridic musings of Keith Ablow, Steve King, and Alex Jones. Also, Louie Gohmert proves the existence of god #LOL. Plus we cover these stories: more that half…

Decisions Overturned!

According to an article in the always hard-hitting Style Section in Today.com, the wrong Miss Florida was crowned. You may ask yourself, “How could this injustice have happened?” You might also ponder the question, “Who gives a flying fuck?” And…

CrabDivers Are Animal People

On our CrabDiving Facebook page, we tend to post lots of stories regarding animals. It’s not something that’s really planned but when I scan the news, I am always drawn towards stories about lions, tigers and bears while high. Plus we…