Tag: GOP

CrabDiving – Fri 072117 – Sean Spicer Resigns & Scaramucci All But Blows His New Boss

sean spicer resigns

Sean Spicer resigns and the Crabs cover the whole shebang on Faithless Friday. Johnny-come-lately Trump sycophant Anthony Scaramucci was tapped as Spicey’s replacement. The legal eagles that serve Shitler explored ways in which Czar Cheeto Teats could pardon himself. Progressive…


CrabDiving – Mon 071717 – Trump Cult Supports Treason & R. Kelly Sex Dungeon Compounds

trump supporters

The Trump cult supports treason due to the fact they’re all knuckledragging, brainless mouthbreathers, no offense. Dippin’ Dots-hating White House mouthpiece Sean Spicer puked forth some garbage regarding Trump Jr. and Russia. The Politico reporter that wrote the thing about…
