Tag: GOP

CrabDiving – Fri 102023 – It’s Ok To Enjoy Jim Jordan’s Repeated Humiliation

It’s ok to enjoy Jim Jordan’s repeated humiliation. Neckless Trump-licker Hannity defended his pressuring of Republicans to vote for Gymbag Jordan for speaker. Peculiar fraudster Kenneth Chesbro accepted a plea deal in the Georgia election fraud case. Shitler was fined…


CrabDiving – Fri 100623 – Giuliani’s Tax Lien, Lindell’s Fleeing Lawyers, and Gaetz’s Viagra ‘n Red Bull Cocktails

Rudy Giuliani's Hands In His Trousers

Giuliani’s tax lien, Lindell’s fleeing lawyers, and Gaetz’s Viagra ‘n Red Bull cocktails were on the menu for Faithless Friday. Madam Secretary, AKA Hillary Clinton, said MAGATS needed to be deprogrammed from Trumpism and many baskets of Deplorables lost their…


CrabDiving – Mon 092523 – Lives Could’ve Been Saved If Trump Had Been Given An Orange Mask

trump bronzer

Lives could have been saved if Trump had been given an orange mask. A former White House aid to Trumpkin Mark Meadows, Cassidy Hutchinson, accused Shitler’s Chief of Staff of burning documents in his office fireplace. Donald “Man-Baby” Trump caterwauled…
