Tag: GOP

CrabDiving – Fri 021221 – Of Course Trump’s Impeachment Defense Is Full of Lies and Whataboutism

Of course Trump’s impeachment defense is full of lies and whataboutism. President Biden let 25,000 asylum seekers into the country because that’s what adult leaders do. A Church in California said they will defy coronavirus regulations and go forward with…


CrabDiving – Wed 021021 – Trump Raged About His Lawyer’s Crappy Impeachment Performance

Trump Is Unraveling

Trump raged about his lawyer’s crappy impeachment performance. The Impeachment Managers showed new videos of the DC riot. The Fulton County DA in Georgia opened a criminal investigation into Shitler’s infamous call with Governor Kemp and his cronies. Senator John…


CrabDiving – Tue 020921 – Nobody Is Shocked Trump’s Impeachment Lawyers Suck

Nobody is shocked Trump’s impeachment lawyers suck. Alleged diddler Dershowitz slammed Shitler’s attorney saying he had no idea what Bizzaro World Atticus Finch was up to. Trump’s legal loons said Man-baby’s impeachment could lead to civil war. Trump-sucking-Senator Mike Lee…
