Tag: racism

CrabDiving – Tue 070219 – Trump Administration Census Question Fail & Conservative Loons Boycott Nike Again

Trump Administration Census Question Fail

The Trump administration census question fail happened, as the government announced it will be printing the forms without a citizenship question. The Republican Czar of Arizona nixed tax breaks for Nike’s new plant in his state because the shoe company…


CrabDiving – Tue 062519 – Trump Threatened Obliteration After Iran Called Him “Retarded” & Falwell Jr. Is A Garbage Person

Trump Threatened Obliteration After Iran Called Him Retarded

Trump threatened obliteration after Iran called him “retarded.” Consumer confidence dropped to the lowest levels since September 2017. Migrant kids held at a particularly heinous Trump concentration camp were temporarily moved for the sake of optics. Wayfair faced protests from…


CrabDiving – Mon 062419 – Deplorable Migrant Children Centers Conditions & Oregon GOP Still MIA

Deplorable Migrant Children Center Conditions

Deplorable migrant children centers conditions have proved shameful and it seems the Trump Administration’s faux pro-life stance doesn’t extend to non-white kids separated by zero tolerance. The fascists at ICE postponed their Gestapo style round-ups of our undocumented brothers and…


CrabDiving – Wed 061219 – Elaine Chao’s Crazy Corruption & Trump’s Concentration Camps

Elaine Chao's Crazy Corruption

Elaine Chao’s crazy corruption scandal is significant even in Trump-i-verse. Former Starbuck’s Czar Howard Shultz is scaling back his crappy campaign for president. Federal spending has topped three trillion bucks under the Shitler Administration. Don Jr. said he had nothing…
