Tag: racism

CrabDiving – Fri 030521 – That My Pillow Idiot Is Making More Wacko Conspiracy Videos

That My Pillow Idiot Is Making More Wacko Conspiracy Videos

That My Pillow idiot is making more wacko conspiracy videos. Democrat-in-theory Krysten Sinema voted against guaranteeing workers a living wage. Senate Democrats grossly whittled away at COVID-19 unemployment benefits. Polls showed most Americans approve of Biden’s coronavirus strategeries. The Crabs…


CrabDiving – Tue 012621 – Craven GOP Senators Will Probably Acquit Trump

The craven GOP Senators will probably acquit Trump. Cali decided to lift stay-at-home COVID-19 restrictions. A MAGAT lawmaker in the gun-shine-state announced intentions to rename a roadway after former President Poopy Pampers. Casino fatcat-couple charted a private flight to illegally…


CrabDiving – Tue 011221 – Moscow Mitch McConnell Supports Impeachment & Trump Takes No Responsibility

trump attacks mcconnell

Moscow Mitch McConnell supports impeachment. While in isolation in The White House with Stephen Miller surely licking his wounded starfish, Trump has been mounting an impeachment defense. Longtime bankers of Shitler have severed their relationships with crappy POTUS over his…


CrabDiving – Tue 122920 – Moscow Mitch Blocked $2000 Stimulus Checks & Sad, Hotel-less Proud Boys

Moscow Mitch Blocked $2000 Stimulus Checks

Moscow Mitch blocked $2000 stimulus checks, and exactly nobody was surprised. Trump blasted the GOP for its weak and tired congressional leadership. A GOP pollster said the stimulus check demand was a nightmare for the Republicans. Bag of wombat ejaculate…


CrabDiving – Wed 111820 – Many Are Planning Holiday Gatherings Despite CODIV-19 & Michigan GOP Election Steal

Many Are Planning Holiday Gatherings Despite CODIV-19

Many are planning holiday gatherings despite CODIV-19. New York City has been on the verge of another coronavirus spike. Philanthropist and iconic actor and singer, Dolly Parton donated a million bucks to vaccine research. Jeebus charlatan Rodney Howard Brown blathered…
