Tag: RWNJs

CrabDiving – Tue 030315 – Netanyahu Nazi Reference, Beastly Bigoted Benhams, Sodomite Suppression Act

Sodomite Supression Act California ballot initiative submission

Laugh along as Ryan and Pat comment on Benjamin Netanyahu, who preached Iranian hellfire and proved Godwin’s Law to the morons of Congress. Then The Crabs charge through the following:  Behnam bigots claim the Cubs cure The Gay; their sire, vile Flip Benham, Christo-terrorizes an…


CrabDiving – Mon 030215 – Bibi Meant No Diss; O’Reilly and FOX Tap Dance; Freedom to Screech?

Bill O'Racist

This Crab-tastic Monday show presents the following stories from the nutty world: BiBi Netanyahu claims no diss meant to Obama; Sharknado 3 casts vile, toothy sea monster, Ann Coulter; even FOX “News” acknowledges Bill O’Reilly’s bullshit; Radio Shack executives screw the…


CrabDiving – Wed 022515 – Pat Robertson Ain’t A Mars Fan, Texas Secessionists Busted By Fuzz

Republic of Texas secessionists

This Wednesday, the Crabs cover the following stories: Pat Robertson isn’t much for Mars cuz it ain’t in the Bible; RWNJs want Christianity dubbed our “national religion”; Texas secessionists are pissed cuz the po-po raided their revolution party; the socialist candidate…
