Tag: Trump

CrabDiving – Fri 113018 – Don Junior Is Screwed & Trump’s Having A Bad Time At The G20

Dumb Trump Jr

CrabDiving Political Podcast reviewed all the ways Don Junior is screwed in the Trump-Russia probe. Anchorage was hit with a powerful earthquake and luckily, the Crab’s Alaskan correspondent came out unscathed. Canadian Czar Justin Trudeau trolled Twitler by referring to the USMCA…


CrabDiving – Wed 112818 – Trump Twitter Storm As Mueller Closes In & Why Aren’t Our Schools Like Finland?

Trump Twitter Storm - CrabDiving Podcast

The Trump Twitter storm as Mueller closes in is magnificently craptastic and we read every single presidential twit. Shitler reminded us a pardon for guilty AF Manafort was not off the table. The whiner-in-chief shared a ridic pic calling for treason…


CrabDiving – Fri 112318 – GOP Team Treason Subpoenaed Comey & Deplorables Are Buying Iraqi Money

GOP team treason subpoenaed comey

GOP Team Treason subpoenaed Comey to satiate their mouth-breathing, simpleton base. InfoWars wacko Jerome Corsi is negotiating a plea deal in Mueller’s Russia investigation. RWNJ dandy Roger Stone could also get slapped by Mueller’s vast probe. Shitler’s call to the…


CrabDiving – Tue 112018 – Trump Kisses Saudi Butt & Ohio Republicans Want The Handmaid’s Tale To Happen

trump kisses saudi butt

Trump kisses Saudi butt and not a single atheist soul at CrabDiving Studios was remotely shocked. Pat read Trump’s insane official statement about the murder of journalist Jamal Khashoggi.  A report revealed Shitler wanted the DOJ to prosecute Hillary Clinton and…


CrabDiving – Mon 111918 – Finland Mocks Trump & Senate Democrats Sue Over Whitaker Appointment

Finland Mocks Trump

We laugh along as Finland mocks Trump over his insane pro-forest “Make America Rake Again” campaign. Democrats in the U.S. Senate sued over the temporary appointment of ham-headed Shitler knob-gobbler Matthew Whitaker to Attorney General. Even before the unjustly demonized caravan…
