Texas GOP Convention Officially Closed to LGBT Groups

Gay Republican groups – I know, I can’t believe they exist, either – have been fully embraced by the Texas GOP for their upcoming Meeting of the Mindless, a.k.a., the party’s state convention.

Just kidding.  The Log Cabin Republicans and The Metroplex Republicans have been barred from the event because, you know, Jesus.

The two gay rights groups were denied booths at the upcoming moron-fest because the Lone Star State GOP do not want spaces to “go to groups that were going to possibly use the space to advocate for a position that is contrary to a major plank in the platform that a majority of delegates agree with,” Republican Party of Texas chairman Steve Munisteri said.

TX GOP convention says no gays


And what is that major plank the self-loathing — oops, I mean self-reporting — gay Republicans may crap upon, you might ask?

Try not to lower your IQ or set your internal clock back a couple hundred years as you read the following from the 2012 Texas Republican Party Official Platform:

“We affirm that the practice of homosexuality tears at the fabric of society and contributes to the breakdown of the family unit. Homosexual behavior is contrary to the fundamental, unchanging truths that have been ordained by God, recognized by our country’s founders, and shared by the majority of Texans.”

Yes, amazingly that is from 2012, not 1612.

I have a feeling those Log Cabin and Metroplex LGBT-ers would be very welcome at the Texas Democratic convention.

Thanks to the mouthbreathing Neanderthals of the religious right, more and more civilized humans are seeing the rotten core of the Republican party.


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