CrabDiving – Fri 041919 – To Impeach Or Not to Impeach & Loony Religious Nuts Fear Buttigieg

To impeach or not to impeach was the question soundly answered by presidential candidate Elizabeth Warren. Democrats in the House are inexplicably stymied by the impeachment dilemma. Shitler shamed former White House Counsel Don McGahn for taking the notes, evidenced by the Mueller Report. A Reuters poll showed Cheeto’s approval numbers have dipped even farther into the crapper. GOP elitist Mittens Romney offered an empty, toothless criticism of the rapist-in-chief. Even Fox-bot Judge Napolitano said The Donald is guilty according to Bobby M.’s findings. Julian Assange smeared Seth Rich to possibly cover for the Russians. Enlightened workplaces in Murica are sanctioning blunt breaks! Homophobic Christo-ninny Peter LaBarbera expressed fear over being hated for his misguided anti-gay beliefs. Yet another anti-gay loon quacked that Pete Buttigieg wants to turn the U.S. into a “homo-ocracy.” Southern Baptist whackos have officially poo-poo’d fornication with robots. Finally, on this good Friday edition of CrabDiving’s Faithless Friday, Pat and Ryan learned the good news from a Gallup Poll that religiosity is way down in our republic.

to impeach or not to impeach

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