CrabDiving – Fri 052424 – Trump Lying Hit Fat Butt Off Over Rally Crowd Size…Again

Trump lying his fat butt off over rally crowd size…again! And by the way, many of Shitler’s attendees bounced early from the fascist fap fest in the Bronx. The MAGA meme team, captained by Trumpkin Brendan Dilly, were behind the “unified reich” video. The top United Nations court ordered Israel to stop the Rafah assault. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin will transfer power to his deputy as he undergoes a medical procedure. Caesars said no to Hitler fan club president Stew Peters’ book burning event. Christian dandy Greg Locke was declared an apostle at a historic church service where there was much Jesus magic. Ibiza, at top vacation destination for UK drunkards, has attempted to ban booze in an effort to save the island from violently wasted rage trolls on holiday. The Crabs’ home town of Pensacola was named one of the safest in the country. Thailand is going on the offensive against rogue monkeys. Soon to be jailed Blotch-Nazi Steve Bannon blathered something about a 2025 takeover.


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