CrabDiving – Fri 061524 – Even A Herd of Evil CEO’s Got Turned Off By Trump

Even a herd of Evil CEO’s got turned off by Trump. Shitler might miss out on Florida’s electoral votes since the orange rapist has been losing popularity in the Gun-shine-state. Crappy SCOTUS stood in solidarity with bump stocks. Across the pond, Reform UK surged ahead of the Tories. Former Amazon Czar Jeff Bezos blathered something about colonizing space. Fake titanium found its way onto Boeing planes. Former Georgia Gubernatorial candidate and school administrator Kandiss Taylor received backlash from concerned parents after she shared a post from fascist internet personality Stew Peters, where the former rapper advocated for public executions. Head caterwauler at Infowars, Alex Jones, sobbed bigly after a judge ordered his personal assets liquidated to pay the Sandy Hook parents. The DOJ will ignore the Republican mouth-breathers of the House and will not prosecute AG Garland. Southern Baptists surprised the verse when the god-yankers rejected a formal ban on female pastors. A VIP evangelical Texas pastor Tony Evans quit his lucrative gig and slithered away after admitting to a mysterious sin. Alito and the other conservative justices tricked mainstream by their non-decision on Mifepristone, where they just ruled on standing. Anti-Semitic influencer Nick Fuentes blamed Israel when he was barred from a Turning Point USA Nazi conference.


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