CrabDiving – Fri 062824 – Trump Spewed A Zillion Lies But Hey, Biden Had A Cold

Trump spewed a zillion lies but hey, Biden had a cold.  CNN obfuscated their journalistic duties when they let Shitler blather lie after lie during the recent presidential debate. Ninnies want First Lady Jill Biden to convince her husband to drop out of the race. Oklahoma MAGATS want the Bible taught in schools. Crappy SCOTUS went after the environment with the Chevron decision. The Supremes also lashed out at homeless people, making it a crime to sleep in p-public. Billionaire Warren Buffett put 130 billion in a charitable trust to be run by his kids. Christian fundamentalist podcaster Joel Webbon caterwauled alongside fellow Holocaust deniers for Israel to repent. Historical fiction writer David Barton promised to make the GOP platform align with the first twelve chapters of Genesis.


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