CrabDiving – Fri 102717 – Conservative Media Declining & Trump Alzheimer’s?

The Crabs learned of conservative media declining and the air seemed a little sweeter, if only for a hot minute. Racist NFL owner Bob McNair puked forth bigoted, verbal diarrhea about the anthem protests and followed it up with a worthless apology. Spain was poised to roll back Catalonia’s autonomy. Shitler said some heinous mouth-garbage to the children of White House reporters visiting the oval office. The President of Glenn Beck’s barely flickering Blaze was issued walking papers.  GOP types suggested Trump could be suffering from Alzheimer’s, after a reportedly bizarre luncheon. Boot licking Sarah Huckabee issued a non-answer to a reporter regarding Russian collusion. An ignorant firefighter used horrendously racist language on social media regarding an unfortunate image on a cereal box. In an effort to save Murcia from foreign attacks, RWNJ blow-hard Rick Wiles stupidly reminded us to shut down Planned Parenthood. Conserv-a-load Gordon Klingenschmitt pleaded for Christians to run for public office so our Union can be controlled by the church, creepy. Advisor to Cheeto Teats, Pastor Robert Jeffress said the Harvey Weinstein scandal can be attributed to the removal of prayer from school. Finally, in the spirit of Faithless Friday, the Crabs played clips of a seemingly mentally ill preacher decrying of vegetarianism can’t be justified by anything in the “good book.”
conservative media declining


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