Family separator Kirstjen Nielsen resigned and surely she will be replaced by something even more heinous and fascist. Trump pitched a fit when immigration officials said he could not break the law and close our borders. When Shitler visited the border, he told Border Patrol agents they could break the law and ignore orders from judges. Nazi Gollum Stephen Miller orchestrated a behind the scenes effort to fill the administration with anti-immigration hardliners. Democratic presidential candidate Pete Buttigieg addressed Mike Pence’s homophobic beliefs and policies during an inspiring campaign speech. FOX ninny Todd Starnes complained about a court ruling saying schools could not require female students to only wear skirts. The Crabs covered the glorious fall of the bigoted Mecca of Fake News, World Net Daily. MAGA thugs beat two Hispanic teenage kids at a Waffle House invoking the name “Trump.” Bloch Nazi Steve Bannon’s former employer Breitbart is promoting Kris Kobach to run DHS. A Republican Sheriff resigned after being arrested for sexually abusing minors.
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