CrabDiving – Mon 061724 – Florida Ex-Cop Is A Russian Disinformation Super Spreader

Florida ex-cop is a Russian disinformation super spreader. Spin doctors at the Pentagon ran a secret anti-vax campaign to undermine China propaganda during the pandemic. The Cannes Film Festival deserves a green splat from Rotten Tomatoes after asking Tech predator Elon Musk to speak. The Biden Campaign slammed Shitler for his felony convictions in a TV ad. Obama had a “drop the mic” moment dissing Trump at a Biden fundraiser hosted by Jimmy Kimmel. The Washington Post has been swarmed by a gaggle of nasty Brit TV tabloid types. From here on out, Christian lawmakers should be called fascists. Former KKK Grand Puke Load David Duke slithered to Detroit to pay respects to human skeet bag Nick Fuentes. Hitler enthusiasts Dalton Clodfelter and Vincent James blathered many complaints about their un-hire-ability because you know, they’re Nazis. Diaper Don let his wee fingers do the walking as he called into Steve Bannon’s War Room during an interview with vapid kraken Cari Lake.
russia gop


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