CrabDiving – Mon 070824 – Britain and France Leaning Left Gives Us Hope For Defeating Fascism

Britain and France leaning left gives us hope for defeating fascism. President Biden’s campaign suffered a drop in the polls after CNN’s joke of a debate. A doctor specializing Parkinson’s visited the White House but not to examine Biden. Crappy non-woke folks don’t want Vice President Harris to be POTUS. A former Shitler staffer alleged the Trump campaign has settled several “seedy suits” in court filings. The GOP and Trump lied when they said they won’t institute a national ban on abortion. RNC committee members felt cheated by their dear leader when their input was excluded from the party platform. Satanists have volunteered at public schools in Florida in protest over Governor Puddin’ Fingers’ efforts to push religion on students. Mama Nazi, AKA Marjorie Taylor Greene, demonstrated her ignorance of American history when she mistakenly blathered a bunch of folks including Paul Revere signed the Declaration of Independence. The turkey-shaped fascist known as Elon Musk is super upset over people shorting Tesla stocks.


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