CrabDiving – Mon 071524 – Trump’s Pocket Judge Dismissed The Stolen Documents Case

Trump’s pocket judge dismissed the stolen documents case. Shitler named fascist tech-bro Senator JD Vance as his running mate. The amateur shooter who outsmarted local PD and the inept Secret Service didn’t make the cut for his high school rifle team. Also, the lone white gunman who tried to assassinate the former guy with an AR-15 was bullied.  The RNC booed Moscow Mitch McConnell as the turtle-headed Senate Minority Leader nominated the orange rapist. Troglodyte Repub congress person Mike Collins blathered the Dems were responsible for the shooting at the Trump rally. The holocaust denying Lieutenant Governor of North Carolina, Mark Robinson, who called for extrajudicial killings, caterwauled his Hitlerian drivel at the Republican National Convention. Manbaby went against the wishes of not-quite-dead-yet media mogul Rupert Murdock when he picked JD Vance for VP.


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