CrabDiving – Thu 022819 – Trump’s North Korea Summit Fail & Trump Org’s “Lighthearted Racism”

The North Korea Summit fail was so sad, but at least Trump didn’t give away “the store” to golden-crapper king Kim Jong Un. North Korea disputed Shitler’s account of the summit breakdown. GOP twunt Matt Gaetz may have committed witness tampering when he apologized to Cohen for the threatening tweet. A former Trump Organization bigwig fondly recounted a work environment with only “lighthearted racism.” In news that isn’t shocking, Cheeto’s economy has proved to be a pile of gnu spew. AOC and Speaker Pelosi chewed out a bunch of sad-sack moderate Dems for voting with the conserva-jerks on a few procedural votes. The Crabs learned about Maxine Waters’ investigation into the Trump Foundation. Israeli hardliner Bibi Netanyahu was indicted on bribery charges. The new coal-sucking EPA Czar was confirmed by the Senate. The very rude and often racist former Maine Governor Paul LePage said if the electoral college was eliminated, white folk would be forgotten… OMFG. A bigoted Tennessee baker refused to bake a wedding cake for a same-sex couple cuz Jeebus. Tinfoil hat tyrant Alex Jones lost his mind on the Joe Rogan show.

North Korea Summit Fail

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