CrabDiving – Thu 060718 – Unhinged Sexist Rudy Giuliani & Manafort Is Screwed

The unhinged sexist Rudy Giuliani was on full display on this episode of the CrabDiving Podcast. Rather than diligently prepare, Trump proudly admitted he was going to “wing it” at the upcoming summit with North Korea. Google explained their insane lawnmower-like flying car prototype. In news of the unethical, Shitler tossed shade upon a former White House IT dude facing prosecution for illegal shenanigans. Giuliani may scuttle the upcoming summit by saying Kim Jong Un begged on his hands and knees for Trump not to cancel. Mueller’s team accused treasonous dandy Paul Manafort of witness tampering. A bigoted, anti-gay hardware store owner made headlines for wrongly interpreting a SCOTUS ruling as a win. The head of a supposed slain snake bit a dude and nearly killed him.

unhinged sexist rudy giuliani


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