Butthurt Trump wants General Milley arrested for treason. Idaho hospitals are operating at crisis levels due to coronavirus surge. Fed. Chief Powell ordered an ethics review of multimillion dollars trades done by folks in-house. Roger Stone was served papers for a lawsuit related to the insurrection on January 6th during a podcast. SpaceX launched its first foray into space tourism. Pillow load Lindell waddled onto the Jim Bakker show to complain about people in the government trying to kill him and the Crabs played clips! Evangelical monster Greg Locke ranted about the evils of FreeMasonry calling them a godless, wicked organization. Alabama Governor Ivey is being primaried by a loon who believes she hasn’t done enough to protect children from yoga. Yosemite school board meetings have become so lit due to anti-science wankers the portion of the meeting where you hear from the public must be conducted outdoors in a large football field in case things get violent.
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