Representative Paul Ryan’s (R-WI) recent comments about the “inner city” culture of unemployment surprises nobody here at CrabDiving. Foisted upon our nation by the idiot constituents of Wisconsin’s 1st Congressional District, the weaselly congressman is relentless in his quest to have the entire country licking the sociopathic anus of his hero, Ayn Rand.
We ran the term “inner city” through our GOP translation program and in the teabag-wearing circles it means “brown people”.
After Ryan’s “poor people don’t care about their kids” mouth fart previously, you’d think he might tone down the poor bashing for a second or two. It is scary that so much of this country is fleeced by this snake oil salesman who is nothing more than another slave to the Koch’s and their evil cabal.
And of course, typically, this GOP diarrhea puddle claims to be a “Christian”, yet completely pisses upon the teachings of Jesus – especially the parts about the poor and the wealthy.
Why don’t Republican’s want to help anyone other than the rich, white guys?
Listen to the CrabNation Progressive Radio clip below [via Youtube] if you haven’t heard Paul Ryan’s gross comments: