Vile Paul Ryan Thinks Poor People Care Less For Their Kids

I know a lot of great people in Wisconsin.  I lived in the state for several years.  How the folks of there could elect a hypocritical hater of the poor like this vomit Paul Ryan is beyond my comprehension.

Speaking at that annual conservative moron-fest, CPAC, Rep. Shitbag talked about a young boy from “a very poor family” who got free lunches at school “from a government program.”  The craven Congressional crap stain from Janesville said the kid, “didn’t want a free lunch. He wanted his own lunch, one in a brown paper bag, just like the other kids.”

“He wanted one, he said, because he knew a kid with a brown paper bag had someone who cared for him. This is what the left does not understand.”

I am surprised we could understand Paul Ryan’s vile words with his lips wrapped firmly around the dried, sociopathic teat of Ayn Rand all the time.

So, those who rely on government assistance do not care about their kids?

This is the belief of the heartless GOP. When will this country wake the fuck up and recognize these guys as the cartoon villains they are?

Paul Ryan Thinks Poor People Care Less For Their Kids - CrabDiving

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