CrabDiving – Tue 040919 – Goebbles LARPer Stephen Miller Taking Over & A New Devin Nunes Frivolous Lawsuit

Goebbles LARPer Stephen Miller taking over immigration is quite the tragedy for America and the rest of the planet. Trump once phoned the folks at Morning Joe begging them to take it easy on Miller after the slimy racist said some wacky totalitarian crap on the Sunday morning talk show circuit. Shitler put his angry pants on and shouted about Obama when questioned about child separation at the southern border. AG Barr promised Congress would see (his version of) the Mueller Report within a week. GOP squirrel squirt Devin Nunes was tied to the hashtag “yachts prostitutes cocaine” over at-sea-shenanigans with underage sex workers on a vessel of which he is a part owner. Cheeto’s BFF Netanyahu is nearly tied in the Israeli election. Anti-choice goons in Florida want to require signed, notarized consent for minors seeking an abortion. A monument memorializing the evils of slavery was vandalized by a-hole racists. An Oklahoma bigot of the highest order went on a vandalism spree in a heinous effort to intimidate Jewish people. Barcelona is getting real about climate change and switching over many of their streets to pedestrian and bicycling zones, a.k.a., “super blocks.” In London, yuge breast balloons are popping up atop buildings in support of public and shameless breastfeeding.

Goebbles LARPer Stephen Miller Taking Over

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