As the Democrats debate rebuking Ilhan Omar, Bernie weighed in, defending the Representative from Minnesota. Hypocrite GOP leader Kevin McCarthy once financed an ad accusing a political opponent of being a terrorist. Most voters polled said they believe Trump committed crimes before moving into The White House. The trade deficit climbed to a record high for the Shitler administration, which is bad for Murica. Fox “News” is totally butt-hurt over the Dems blocking the fake news org from hosting primary debates. Brazil’s whacko, totalitarian, homophobic strong man tweeted an NSFW video of a dude peeing upon another dude in an effort to gin up anti-LGBTQ feelings. Cheeto threatened the UK with a possibly illegal tweet about his Scottish golf course. “Dog Park Diane” wrongly called the cops on a black man because his dog humped her dog. Shameful thug cops in Colorado detained a person of color because he had the nerve to pick up trash in his own yard. Former Fox-bot and current Admiral of The Blaze Glenn Beck returned to the Crabby airwaves with a phenomenally insane clip where he compared President Man-baby to James Bond and deemed the whiny-baby-in-chief the last role model of masculinity. In Alabama-stan headlines, a bunch of students were caught on camera opining they should put African Americans in concentration camps. As a bonus, an Alabama educator was sent home from the same school for saying the n-word during a class discussion day about race. An ammosexual shot an Amazon delivery guy for parking in a handicap spot at Target, and dude is now paralyzed… cuz guns.
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