CrabDiving – Wed 061924 – Louisiana Fascist Republicans Will Force Christianity On All School Children

Louisiana fascist Republicans will force Christianity on all school children. Slurring, thick-tongued Trump pretended he loved Milwaukee, even though he said otherwise, and blathered he would stay in the Brew City during the RNC. According to the co-editor-in-chief of Vanity said Shitler struggled with the chronology of events and “could not keep a straight thought” during an series of interviews. Tech Nazi Elon Musk slithered upon a figurative cross and complained about alleged attempts on his life. The platform formerly known as Twitter has been losing tons of value and their new payment platform probably won’t help. A scientist in Finland made protein out of thin air. The House ethics committee heard testimony about possible pedo-antics by GOP Sith Matt Gaetz.  A ninny guest on Blotch Nazi Steve Bannon’s podcast caterwauled the Satanic Temple is sending recruits to grab kids attending after school programs. The worst owner in the history of the NFL has blocked the release of a movie about Trump, where the Dear Leader is appropriately portrayed as a monster. Diphthong Jedi and rightwing loon Kandiss Taylor said women can’t be POTUS because they aren’t buttholes.

Louisiana republicans force christianity on everyone


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