CrabDiving – Wed 073124 – A Dumb Racist Sat For An Interview In A Room Full of Black Journalists

A dumb racist sat for an interview in a room full of black journalists and the felon candidate for POTUS, Donald Trump, explained to the National Association of Black Journalist what he considered a “black job.” Later in the interview, the rapist and leader of the GOP, trotted out some dumb theory that Vice President Kamala Harris only recently turned black. Diaper Don even had to explain why his running mate J.D. Vance believes the Democrats are ran by “childless cat ladies” to a panel of female journalists. The ABC host asked the orange predator about his promise to pardon the January 6th rioters and Trump got angry pants, blathering something about pro-Palestinian protestors ruining limestone with spray pant. Man-baby’s social media platform Truth Social is tanking bigly. Trumpkin ball polisher and FOX “personality” Jesse Waters reacted like crazy person to Trump’s NABJ interview caterwauling much sexist unhinged crap. In a somber tone, bro-tastic comedian Joe Rogan announced Kamala Harris would probably win in 2024. Lunatic Christian Nationalists have been planning to launch a “trojan horse” in the election. According to recent polls, Kamala leads Creamsicle in swing states.


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