CrabDiving – Wed 090424 – Tucker Carlson Nodding To Pro-Hitler Propaganda Is MAGA Conservatism In A Nutshell

Tucker Carlson nodding to pro-Hitler propaganda is MAGA conservatism in a nutshell. The GOP continued to say racist crap about Vice President Kamala Harris. The Sith Lords at Goldman Sachs officially came to the conclusion a Trump presidency would be bad for the economy. A studied said air travel was safer than ever. Klingon sympathizer and RNC Chair Lara Trump mercilessly continues her singing career. White supremacist and former friend of Kanye, Nick Fuentes put man-baby on blast for admitting he lost the election by a whisker. Christian nationalist troll Joel Webbon blathered a FAP dream centered around white hot hate for liberals. The Vice President said we had to do more to prevent gun violence and then Shitler said some BS on Truth.

white male butthurt poster child tucker carlson


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