KVoice, A Voice of Resistance – Thu 01/17/2019

Check out this episode of K-Voice because Ann Coulter shut the government down, so why not hear about how cool it is to not be Mitch McConnell – who seems to have gone on a long fishing trip. (Hey Mitch, when they said nonessential personnel they didn’t mean you! sadly)

As for the Resistance, it’s safe now, we can all come out of the bomb shelters we have have been rocking back and forth in for the past two years. Thanks to our Blue wave we have ourselves a new Congress with Nancy Pelosi at the helm to hold the line on Mango Hitler and the GOP’s dark ambitions. It is raining investigations as checks and balances have at last returned to one of the branches of government as the founding fathers intended.

In this show we talk about the rules of the road as we begin our TWO year – what is sure to be a knockdown, drag out, take no prisoners, 2020 presidential election. (Rule 1: don’t be a dick)

We discuss the Overton Window. Don’t know what it is? Perfect! Press play. Do know what it is? Fantastic! You are going to love this section. Press play.

There is something VERY exciting happening in the Democratic party. You are going to want to hear this bit.

Next we talk about how the gender pay gap works in practice. This is a topic that most people including legislators know a little about but few really know what comprises it. For instance would you believe that women actually earn less than 50% what a man makes? Trust us. You want to hear this.

This is where you press play. Then like, comment, and share. #RESIST!

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