KVoice, A Voice of Resistance – Thu 06/14/18

This country elected a Republican president. One who among all his other flaws is the most far right president we have seen in our lifetimes. Thanks to that, we started our week with a dose of Supreme Court sanctioned voter suppression and spiced it up with the death of net neutrality. Within 24 hrs our government said there was a special place in Hell for Canadian PM, Justin Trudeau, and then our Cheeto Dusted Bloviator of a president embraced Kim Jong Un – one of the cruelest dictators in the world. He then proceeded to heap praise on Un like a giddy little boy would his favorite ball player, while swinging his neanderthalic arms. De Niro got a little potty-mouthed at the Tonys (gasp). Jarvaka made 81 million dollars last year alone off deals they made leveraging our government, leveraging our country! Oh yeah, did you hear about the prisons full of traumatized children our country is proudly filling up? Now would be a good time to buy stock in the private prison industry. We talk the science of hate and racism, discuss the scathing UN report on the state of poverty in the US and talk elections! We discuss ALL this and so much more on this episode of KVoice Of Resistance. #RESIST

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