KVoice, A Voice of Resistance – Tue 02/20/18

This is your resistance podcast! On this episode, there is a new movement in America led by our teenagers, breathing new life into the beleaguered gun control debate! We discuss what they are planning and more. Things are looking up in 2018 as Pennsylvania gets a new map! We tell you why the city council of Berkeley, CA proves that Berkeley is still one of the coolest cities around. Weed is on trial as a sympathetic group of challengers have taken Jefferson Beauregard Sessions’ DOJ to court in a fight for legalization. We have a call to action to overthrow the NRA backed, 20yr old Dickey Amendment. Finally, we discuss the history of hemp, the stupid reason it is illegal, and illustrate how corporations have been suffocating the promise out of this country for decades. All this and more on this episode of KVoice of Resistance. #RESIST

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