The defense attorney in the Ahmaud Arbery murder case wants no more black preachers in the gallery. A DC court issued a stay while they decide about Trump’s latest BS “executive privilege” claim. COVID is taking another European tour, and…
CrabDiving – Tue 110921 – Republicans Are Silent After Vile Paul Gosar Posted A Violent GOP Fantasy Video
CrabDiving – Mon 110821 – Trump Threatened To Quit The GOP Because They Wouldn’t Support The Big Lie
Trump threatened to quit the GOP because they wouldn’t support the big lie. Do US lifted its travel ban on international visitors. Due to vaccine hesitancy there is a new corona surge in Europe. Senior Trump campaign officials have been…
CrabDiving – Thu 110421 – A New Grand Jury Is Convening In Manhattan To Look At Trump Organization, LOL
A new grand jury is convening in Manhattan to look at Trump Organization, LOL. Secretary of State Raffensberger is politically dead for standing up to Trump during the 2020 recount in Georgia. German coronavirus cases have been soaring. China instituted…