Crappy businessman Trump fell off the Forbes 400 wealthiest list. California declared a state of emergency because of a massive oil spill. Australia announced a ban on foreign tourists until at least 2022 due to the pandemic. Former Apprentice star…
CrabDiving – Mon 100421 – The World Lost Its Mind As Facebook and Instagram Went Down
CrabDiving – Fri 100121 – Conspiracy Performance Artist Alex Jones Lost Three Sandy Hook Lawsuits
Conspiracy performance artist Alex Jones lost three Sandy Hook lawsuits. There’s an effective COVID pill available. SCOTUS won’t hear a challenge to the New York public schools’ vaccine mandate. California said they’re making students get the jab. My Pillow ads have returned to…
CrabDiving – Wed 092921 – Manchin and Sinema Put Big Money Donors Ahead of Their Constituents
Manchin and Sinema put big-money donors ahead of their constituents. Pelosi maneuvered the infrastructure budget legislation forward. YouTube said it would finally ban anti-vaccine propaganda content. United Airlines prepared to fire employees who refused the jab. Insurrectionist Congressperson Marjorie Taylor…