CrabDiving – Thu 111920 – Crazy Rudy’s Hair Dye Malfunction & Lindsey Graham Ethics Complaint

Crazy Rudy's Hair Dye Malfunction

Crazy Rudy’s hair dye malfunction cemented the former Mayor’s hold on first-chair in Trump’s band of fascist loons. While representing Man-baby’s presidential campaign in a weird election fraud suit, Giuliani reenacted a scene from My Cousin Vinny but was then…


CrabDiving – Wed 111820 – Many Are Planning Holiday Gatherings Despite CODIV-19 & Michigan GOP Election Steal

Many Are Planning Holiday Gatherings Despite CODIV-19

Many are planning holiday gatherings despite CODIV-19. New York City has been on the verge of another coronavirus spike. Philanthropist and iconic actor and singer, Dolly Parton donated a million bucks to vaccine research. Jeebus charlatan Rodney Howard Brown blathered…


CrabDiving – Tue 111720 – Crazy Trump Had To Be Talked Down From Bombing Iran & Hate Crimes Way Up

Crazy Trump Had To Be Talked Down From Bombing Iran

Crazy Trump had to be talked down from bombing Iran. The Shitler administration wants to cut food stamps and disability benefits. Man-baby celebrated the college dean that claimed Biden voters were anti-Christian. Wisconsin said the Rapist-in-Chief would have to pay…


CrabDiving – Mon 111620 – Trump’s Transition Tantrum Will Hurt Vaccine Distribution & Georgia GOP Infighting

Trump tantrum - CrabDiving

Dr. Fauci said that Trump’s transition tantrum will hurt vaccine distribution. Rural America has been hard hit by COVID lately. A South Dakota ER nurse explained how some patients deny the existence of COVID even in their last moments before…


CrabDiving – Fri 111320 – Electoral College Tally Is 306-232 As Georgia Confirmed Biden’s Win & Mississippi Hospitals Full

Biden 306 - Trump 232

The electoral college tally is 306-232 as Georgia confirmed Biden’s win. The Dems in the House have split. Mississippi has seen a yuge surge in COVID 19 cases. Trump broke his silence and babbled bull crap about a vaccine and…
