CrabDiving – Mon 101220 – China’s Xi Is More Trusted In The World Than Trump & Illegal GOP Dropboxes

China's Xi Is More Trusted In The World Than Trump

China’s Xi is more trusted in the world than Trump. Shitler claimed he had a protective glow shielding him from coronavirus. Biden continued to lead in Wisconsin and in betting houses worldwide. Joltin’ Joe opted for a town hall rather…


CrabDiving – Fri 100920 – Superspreader Trump Is Planning Rallies & COVID-19 Rising Worldwide

Superspreader Trump Is Planning Rallies

Superspreader Trump is planning rallies despite his positive COVID status. Shitler coughed during an interview with sycophant Hannity announcing this return to live in-person campaign events. The World Health Organization announced a new daily high in coronavirus cases. The Rapist-in-Chief…


CrabDiving – Thu 100820 – Right Wing Militia Terrorists Plotted To Kidnap Michigan’s Governor & Pence’s Fly FTW

Right Wing Militia Terrorists Plotted To Kidnap Michigan's Governor

Right-wing militia terrorists plotted to kidnap Michigan’s governor. The fly that landed on the super stoic head of the Vice President stole the debate buzz. A conserv-a-load caterwauled angry misogyny about Senator Harris’s performance on last night’s match-up. Anti-mask-spreader POTUS…


CrabDiving – Wed 100720 – Trump’s Chaotic Coronavirus White House & Ted Cruz Is Worried About The Election

GOP dumpster fire

Trump’s chaotic coronavirus White House has been particularly loony since Man-baby has been out and about with a positive virus status. Human cosplay GOP load Ted Cruz blathered he was worried about the upcoming election. Medical experts said Shitler still…


CrabDiving – Tue 100620 – Trump Got No Sympathy Bump In the Polls & Claudia Conway Deserves a Pulitzer

Trump Got No Sympathy Bump In the Polls

Trump got no sympathy bump in the polls despite his battle with coronavirus. Lamest FLOTUS ever, AKA “Melania,” called Shitler’s adulterous fling Stormy Daniels a “porn hooker.” Man-baby is down by 16 points in the latest election polls. Kellyanne COVID…
